9 Common Mistakes When It Comes to Anxiety

None of us were born knowing how to deal with anxiety. It’s something many of us grapple with at some point in our lives, and sometimes we handle it in ways that make it worse, rather than better. Read on to see some common mistakes people make when dealing with anxiety. Take note of which you notice in your own life in order to start more effectively navigating anxious moments.

1. Avoiding

Avoiding situations or activities that trigger anxiety may provide temporary relief, but it reinforces avoidance behaviors and prevents you from developing effective coping skills in the long term.

2. Overthinking

If overthinking is familiar for you, this is your reminder to check yourself. Excessive rumination and overanalyzing situations can actually exacerbate anxiety symptoms and lead to a cycle of negative thinking.

3. Self Medicating

Turning to alcohol, drugs, or other unhealthy coping mechanisms to numb anxiety symptoms is common in many cultures. However, this habit can actually worsen anxiety over time, and can eventually lead to dependence.

4. Isolating

Withdrawing from social interactions and support networks can exacerbate feelings of loneliness and isolation, worsening anxiety symptoms. Consider how you might engage with a friend, acquaintance, or family member this week.

5. Perfectionism

Setting unrealistic standards and expecting perfection can fuel anxiety and create undue stress in both personal and professional endeavors. Notice where you might be able to loosen the reins a bit.

6. Neglecting Physical Health

Neglecting physical health factors such as exercise, nutrition, and sleep can contribute to increased anxiety levels and decreased resilience. Finding someone who can support you in this can be particularly helpful

7. Procrastination

Putting off tasks or responsibilities due to anxiety is understandable. However, it can lead to increased stress and feelings of overwhelm in the long run, when things pile up or get to the last minute.

8. Comparing to others

Constantly comparing oneself to others and their perceived accomplishments can fuel feelings of inadequacy and contribute to anxiety. Begin to notice who and what you compare yourself to most.

9. Avoiding professional help

Delaying or avoiding seeking professional help for anxiety symptoms can prolong suffering and prevent you from accessing effective treatment options. There is help out there.

Recognizing these common mistakes can help you make positive changes in managing your anxiety and seek support when needed. Learning healthy coping strategies and seeking professional guidance can lead to feeling more able to engage in life, helping improve your overall well-being.


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